Tratado 10,5 (V, 1, 5) — Quem engendrou o Intelecto e as realidades inteligíveis? (Thomas Taylor)

V. This exuberant Grod, therefore, exists in the soul which is here, being conjoined to him by things of this kind, unless it wishes to depart from him. Approaching therefore to, and as it were becoming one with him, it enquires as follows : Who is he that, being simple and prior to a multitude of this kind, generated this Grod ? Who is the cause of his existence, and of his being exuberant, and by whom number was produced ? For number is not the first of things ; since the one is prior to the duad. But the duad is the second thing, and being generated by the one, is defined by it. The duad, however, is of itself indefinite. But when it is defined, it is now number. And it is number as essence. Soul also is number. For neither corporeal masses nor magnitudes are the first of things. For these gross substance which sense fancies to be beings, are things of a posterior nature. Nor is the moisture which is in seeds honourable, but that contained in them, which is not visible. But this is number and reason (or a productive principle). What are said therefore to be number and the duad in the intelligible world, are reasons and intellect. But the duad indeed is indefinite, when it is assumed as analogous to a subject. Number, however, which proceeds from it and the one, is each form of things ; intellect being as it were formed by the species of things which are generated it it. But it is formed in one manner from the one, and in another from itself, in the same manner as sight which is in energy. For intelligence is sight perceiving, both being one.

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