Renomado platonista que se dedicou no século XIX À tradução das obras de Platão e de seus sucessores. Suas traduções embora criticadas pelos acadêmicos guardam um sabor especial pelo interesse esotérico do escritor, que orientou em grande parte sua tradução.
Excertos de suas obras circulam pela Internet, e algumas poucas obras encontram-se no Internet Archive:
- Extracts from the Treatise of Synesius on Providence – by Plotinus
- On the cave of the nymphs in the thirteenth book of the Odyssey. Translated by Thomas Taylor
- The commentaries of Proclus on the Timaeus of Plato in five books; containing a treasury of Pythagoric and Platonic physiology. Translated from the Greek by Thomas Taylor (Volume 1)
- The commentaries of Proclus on the Timaeus of Plato in five books; containing a treasury of Pythagoric and Platonic physiology. Translated from the Greek by Thomas Taylor (Volume 2)
- Select works of Plotinus : translated from the Greek with an introduction containing the substance of Porphyry’s life of Plotinus
- The Eleusinian and Bacchic mysteries : a dissertation
- An essay on the beautiful
- Two treatises of Proclus, the Platonic successor (microform) ; the former consisting of Ten doubts concerning Providence, and a solution of those doubts; and the latter containing a development of the nature of evil
- Ocellus Lucanus. On the nature of the universe. Taurus, the Platonic philosoher, On the eternity of the world. Julius Firmicus Maternus Of the thema mundi; in which the positions of the stars at the commencement of the several mundane periods is given. Select theorems on the perpetuity of time, by Proelus
- The Celtic Christianity of Cornwall; divers sketches and studies
- Obras de Thomas Taylor no Internet Archive