Plotino – Tratado 2,15 (IV, 7, 15) — As almas sobrevivem à desaparição dos corpos


15. Dissemos o que era preciso àqueles que tinham necessidade de uma demonstração. Mas àqueles que ainda teriam necessidade de uma prova fundada sobre a autoridade da sensação, é preciso responder que se a encontra nesta massa de informações relativas a coisas deste gênero e notadamente estas: os deuses que ordenam por oráculos de acalmar a cólera das almas a quem fizemos mal e de dar honras aos defuntos como se se tratasse de seres dotados de sensação: essas são práticas às quais se lançam todos os homens a respeitos dos que faleceram. Almas que se encontravam antes em homens não cessaram, mesmo depois de deixado o corpo onde se encontravam, de fazer bem aos homens; sim, estas almas não prestam serviço, em proferindo oráculos e por outros benfeitos. E por seu exemplo, elas mostram que as outras almas não são destruídas.


15 Ya hemos dicho, pues, lo que había que decir a los que piden una demostración; mas lo que hay que añadir a los que piden una prueba apoyada en hechos sensibles, hay que entresacarlo de la documentación acerca de tales hechos, que es abundante: de los oráculos de los dioses ordenando aplacar la cólera de las almas que padecieron injusticia y tributar, honores a los muertos como a seres dotados de sensibilidad, tal como los tributan todos los hombres a los difuntos. Por otra parte, hay muchas almas que, habiendo estado antes entre los hombres, luego, una vez salidas del cuerpo, no dejaron de hacer el bien a los hombres, y éstas son precisamente las que, emitiendo oráculos, además de sernos de provecho para las otras cosas con sus vaticinios, demuestran por sí mismas que tampoco las otras almas han perecido.


[XV] Voilà ce que nous avions à dire sur ce sujet à ceux qui veulent une démonstration. Quant à ceux qui demandent le témoignage de la foi et des sens, il faut, pour les satisfaire, extraire de l’histoire les preuves nombreuses qu’elle fournit (97), citer les oracles rendus par les dieux qui ordonnent d’apaiser les âmes victimes d’une injustice et d’honorer les morts (98), d’après les rites observés par tous, les hommes envers ceux qui ne sont plus (99); ce qui suppose que leurs âmes y sont sensibles. Beaucoup d’âmes qui ont vécu sur la terre ont, après être sorties de leur corps, continué d’accorder des bienfaits aux hommes(100). En révélant l’avenir (101) et en rendant d’autres services, elles prouvent par elles-mêmes que les autres âmes n’ont pas dû non plus périr.



15. (20). This, then, is our answer to those who seek a philosophical demonstration. Those who are satisfied with the testimony of faith and sense, may be referred to those extracts from history which furnish numerous proofs thereof. We may also refer to the oracles given by the divinities who order an appeasement of the souls who were victims of some injustice, and to honor the dead, and to the rites observed by all towards those who live no more; which presupposes that their souls are still conscious beyond. Even after leaving their bodies, many souls who lived on the earth have continued to grant benefits to men.


XV. And thus much has been said by us to those who require demonstration on this subject. But such things as should be adduced to those who stand in need of the. evidence arising from faith mingled with sensible information, may be selected from history, which abounds with instances in confirmation of the immortality of the soul. It may also be obtained from what the Gods have delivered in Oracles, when they order the anger of souls that have been injured, to be appeased; and likewise honours to be paid to the dead, as being still sentient, which honours all men pay to departed souls. Many souls also who once ranked among men, do not cease when liberated from bodies to benefit mankind. And these by employing divination benefit us in other respects, and demonstrate through themselves, that other souls also do not perish.


15. (20) Thus far we have offered the considerations appropriate to those asking for demonstration: those whose need is conviction by evidence of the more material order are best met from the abundant records relevant to the subject: there are also the oracles of the Gods ordering the appeasing of wronged souls and the honouring of the dead as still sentient, a practice common to all mankind: and again, not a few souls, once among men, have continued to serve them after quitting the body and by revelations, practically helpful, make clear, as well, that the other souls, too, have not ceased to be.

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