Plotino – Tratado 52,10 (II, 3, 10) — Os astros não produzem senão afecções corporais


10. Si esto es así, hemos de admitir ahora que los astros actúan de signos. Pero no producen todas las cosas, sino tan sólo los propios estados pasivos del universo y cuanto subsiste de ellos sin la presencia viva del alma. Hemos de conceder al alma ciertas cualidades antes de que llegue al nacimiento; porque no podría integrarse en un cuerpo de no estar dispuesta asimismo a un intenso sufrir. Concedamos a la vez que, luego de entrada en el cuerpo, el alma queda sometida a la suerte y al movimiento que rige el universo. E, igualmente, que el movimiento del cielo es concurrente con el del universo y que realiza por sí mismo todo lo que a éste concierne. De tal modo, cada uno de los cuerpos tiene ahí la consideración de parte.


[X] S’il en est ainsi, il faut accorder que les astres annoncent les événements, mais non qu’ils les produisent, pas même par leur âme unie à leur corps. Ils ne produisent que les choses qui sont des panions de l’univers, et cela par leur partie inférieure [leur corps].[47] En outre, il faut admettre que l’âme, même avant de venir dans la génération, en descendant ici-bas, apporte quelque chose qu’elle a par elle-même: car elle n’entrerait pas dans un corps si elle n’avait de grandes dispositions à pâtir [à partager les passions du corps].[48] Il faut également admettre qu’en passant dans un corps l’âme est exposée à des accidents, parce qu’elle se trouve soumise au cours de l’univers; qu’enfin ce cours même contribue à produire ce que l’univers doit accomplir: car les choses qui se trouvent comprises dans le cours de l’univers y jouent le rôle de parties.



10. Under these circumstances, we must acknowledge that events are, by the stars, announced, though not produced, not even by their (lower) corporeal soul. By their lower part, their body, they produce only the things which are passions of the universe. Besides, we shall have to acknowledge, that the soul, even before entering into generation, while descending here below, brings something which she has by herself; for she would not enter into a body unless she had a great disposition to suffer. We must also admit that while passing into a body the soul is exposed to accidents, inasmuch as she is subjected to the course of the universe, and as this very course contributes to the production of what the universe is to accomplish; for the things which are comprised in the course of the universe act as its parts.


10. If all this be true, we must at once admit signification, though, neither singly nor collectively, can we ascribe to the stars any efficacy except in what concerns the [material] All and in what is of their own function.

We must admit that the Soul before entering into birth presents itself bearing with it something of its own, for it could never touch body except under stress of a powerful inner impulse; we must admit some element of chance around it from its very entry, since the moment and conditions are determined by the kosmic circuit: and we must admit some effective power in that circuit itself; it is co-operative, and completes of its own act the task that belongs to the All of which everything in the circuit takes the rank and function of a part.

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