
χρόνος, khrónos (ho) / chronos: tempo.

Antes da vida presente, houve outro tempo (Platão, Mênon, 86a).”O tempo é uma imagem móvel da eternidade” (id., Timeu, 37d).”O tempo é a medida do movimento” (métron kinéseos / metron kineseos), Aristóteles, Fís., IV, 12). “O tempo é imagem da eternidade” (eikòn aiônos / eikon aionos), Plotino, I,V, 7). “O tempo é a causa de todas as coisas”: aítion pánton (Periandro, Apotegmas, 11). [Gobry]

Time. Some early writers synthesize this word with Kronos, the father of Zeus (cf. DL 1.119). This synthesis may be operating in the fragment of Anaximander. The Pythagoreans and Plato supposed time to exist independently of the physical world, a separate regulator of change (Timaeus 37 ff). Plato also identifies a cosmic time intrinsic to regular processes; for Aristotle, that concept of time was sufficient. Time is a consequence of the circular movements of the astronomical bodies (Phys. 218-233); it is the numbering of motion (Phys. 219). Plotinus returns to a (purified) Platonic conception, asserting the priority of eternity (aion) and making time the process of souls (psychai) changing from one condition to another. [DHAGP]