Categoria: Enéada-II-4

  • Guthrie: Tratado 12 (II, 4, 6-16) – Of Matter.

    SUBSTRATE IS DEMANDED BY TRANSFORMATION OF ELEMENTS, BY THEIR DESTRUCTION AND DISSOLUTION. 6. Now let us speak of bodies. The mutual transformation of elements demonstrates that they must have a substrate. Their transformation is not a complete destruction; otherwise (a general) “being” would perish in nonentity. Whereas, what is begotten would have passed from absolute…

  • Igal: Tratado 12 (II, 4) — SOBRE LA MATERIA

    1. Lo que llamamos materia es el sujeto y el receptáculo de las formas; ésa es la opinión general de todos los que han tratado la cuestión, y hasta aquí el acuerdo es unánime, pero, en lo que atañe a la naturaleza de tal sujeto; las opiniones ya difieren. ¿Cuál es realmente la naturaleza de…

  • Incondicionado

    The Matter even of the Intellectual Realm is the Indefinite, [the undelimited]; it must be a thing generated by the undefined nature, the illimitable nature, of the Eternal Being, The One illimitableness, however, not possessing native existence There but engendered by The One. Enneads: II IV. 15 Matter, then, must be described as Indefinite of…

  • Guthrie: Tratado 12 (II, 4) – Of Matter.

    SECOND ENNEAD, BOOK FOUR. Of Matter. MATTER AS SUBSTRATE AND RESIDENCE OF FORMS. 1. Matter is a substrate (or subject) underlying nature, as thought Aristotle, and a residence for forms. Thus much is agreed upon by all authors who have studied matter, and who have succeeded in forming a clear idea of this kind of…

  • Tratado 12 (II, 4) – Sobre as duas matérias

    Plotin Traités 7-21. Dir. Trad. Luc Brisson e Jean-François Pradeau. GF-Flammarion, 2003. Este tratado é de uma riqueza e de uma complexidade notáveis. Plotino aí desenvolve uma teoria da matéria que, mesmo inspirada nas especulações de Aristóteles, de Platão e dos estoicos, se revela muito original. Sua doutrina está fortemente apresentada e segue um plano…

  • MacKenna: Tratado 12 (II, 4) — A matéria em suas duas espécies

    The Second Ennead Fourth tractate. Matter in its two kinds.