Categoria: Enéada V
Enéada V, 1, 2: A natureza da alma do mundo e sua atividade
in Enéada-V-1Capítulo 2: A natureza da alma do mundo e sua atividade 1-9. A alma é a fonte da vida e do movimento de todas as coisas 10-27. de que maneira a alma provê a vida a todas as coisas? 27-42. A alma cerca o mundo inteiro e o anima estando presente em tudo ao mesmo…
Enéada V, 1, 1: A alma deve se conhecer a si mesma para reencontrar “o deus que é seu pai”
in Enéada-V-1Traducción del griego por Jose Antonio Miguez 1. ¿Cómo podremos explicar que las almas hayan olvidado a Dios, su padre, y que, siendo como son partes de él y que a él pertenecen por entero, se ignoren a sí mismas y le ignoren a él?. Digamos que el principio del mal es para ellas la…
Enéada V, 1 – Sobre as três hipóstases que têm nível de princípios
Plotin Traités 7-21. Dir. Trad. Luc Brisson e Jean-François Pradeau. GF-Flammarion, 2003. Plano detalhado do tratado. Capítulo 1: A alma deve se conhecer a si mesma para reencontrar “o deus que é seu pai” 1-3. Porque a alma esqueceu sua origem e sua fonte divinas? 3-22. Em virtude de sua independência ontológica, a alma se…
Guthrie: Tratado 10,2 (V, 1, 2) – A natureza da alma do mundo e sua atividade
SOULS ARE DIVINE BECAUSE THE WORLD WAS CREATED BY THE UNIVERSAL SOUL. 2. This is the first reflection of every soul. By an influx of the spirit of life, the universal Soul produced all the animals upon earth, in the air and in the sea, as well as the divine stars, the sun, and the…
Guthrie: Tratado 10,1 (V, 1, 1) – A alma deve se conhecer a si mesma
AUDACITY THE CAUSE OF HUMAN APOSTASY FROM THE DIVINITY. 1. How does it happen that souls forget their paternal divinity? Having a divine nature, and having originated from the divinity, how could they ever misconceive the divinity or themselves? The origin of their evil is “audacity,” generation, the primary diversity, and the desire to belong…
Guthrie: Tratado 10,3 (V, 1, 3) — O Intelecto engendra a Alma
THE SOUL AS THE HYPOSTATIC ACTUALIZATION OF INTELLIGENCE. 3. Since the nature of the Soul is so divine and precious, you may be assured of being able to reach the divinity through her; with her you can ascend to Him. You will not need to search for Him far from yourself; nor will there be…
Guthrie: Tratado 10,4 (V, 1, 4) — O Intelecto e as realidades inteligíveis
THE INTELLIGIBLE WORLD IS THE ARCHETYPE OF OURS. 4. The dignity of Intelligence may be appreciated in still another way. After having admired the magnitude and beauty of the sense-world, the eternal regularity of its movement, the visible or hidden divinities, the animals and plants it contains, we may (taking our direction from all this),…
Guthrie: Tratado 10,5 (V, 1, 5) — Quem engendrou o Intelecto e as realidades inteligíveis?
THE SOUL AS NUMBER CONNECTED WITH INTELLIGENCE. 5. Thus the human soul is full of this divinity (of Intelligence); she is connected therewith by these (categories), unless the soul (purposely) withdraws from (that intelligence). The Soul approaches Intelligence, and thus having been unified, the Soul wonders, ‘Who has begotten this unity?’ It must be He…
Guthrie: Tratado 10,6 (V, 1, 6) — Como o Intelecto foi engendrado pelo Uno?
MYSTERY OR DERIVATION OF SECOND FROM FIRST. 6. How does Intelligence see, and what does it see? How did the Second issue from the First, how was it born from the First, so as that the Second might see the First? For the soul now understands that these principles must necessarily exist. She seeks to…
Guthrie: Tratado 10,7 (V, 1, 7) — O Intelecto é uma imagem divisível do Uno indivisível?
INTELLIGIBLE REST IS THE DETERMINATION AND FORM BY WHICH THEY SUBSIST. 7. We call Intelligence the image of the One. Let us explain this. It is His image because Intelligence is, in a certain respect, begotten by Unity, because Intelligence possesses much of the nature of its father, and because Intelligence resembles Him as light…
Guthrie: Tratado 10,8 (V, 1, 8) — Exame dos filósofos anteriores: Platão e Parmênides.
PLATO TEACHES THREE SPHERES OF EXISTENCE. 8. This is how Plato establishes three degrees in the hierarchy of being: “Everything is around the king of all.” He is here speaking of first rank entities. He adds, “What is of the second order is around the second principle; and what is of the third order is…
Guthrie: Tratado 10,10 (V, 1, 10) — Toda alma individual guarda nela mesma uma imagem das três hipóstases
TO THE THREE PRINCIPLES IN THE UNIVERSE MUST CORRESPOND THREE PRINCIPLES IN US. 10. Above existence, therefore, is the One. This has by us been proved as far as could reasonably be expected, and as far as such subjects admit of demonstration. In the second rank are Existence and Intelligence; in the third, the Soul.…
Taylor: Tratado 10,9 (V, 1, 9) — Exame dos filósofos anteriores: Anaxágoras, Heráclito, Empédocles, Aristóteles e os pitagóricos
IX. But Anaxagoras, when he says that there is a pure and un mingled intellect, admits also that the first (principle of things) is simple, and that the one is separate. On account of antiquity, however, he omits the accurate discussion of these things. Heraclitus, also, knew an eternal and intelligible one. For he says,…
Guthrie: Tratado 10,11 (V, 1, 11) — A alma individual tem nela mesma o Intelecto e o Uno
THERE MUST BE AN OBJECTIVE JUSTICE AND BEAUTY TO WHICH WE ARE INTIMATELY UNITED. 11. Since the rational soul makes judgments about what is just or beautiful, and decides whether some object is beautiful, whether such an action be just, there must exist an immutable justice and beauty from which discursive reason draws its principles.…
Guthrie: Tratado 10,12 (V, 1, 12) — Se nossa alma possui «coisas tão grandes», porque permanece frequentemente inerte e inativa?
THESE PRINCIPLES LAST EVER; EVEN THOUGH WE ARE DISTRACTED FROM THEM. 12. How does it happen that we possess principles that are so elevated, almost in spite of ourselves, and for the most part without busying ourselves about them? For there are even men who never notice them. Nevertheless these principles, that is, intelligence, and…
MacKenna: Tratado 10,4 (V,1,4) — O Intelecto e as realidades inteligíveis nada mais são que “pensar” e “ser”
4. But there is yet another way to this knowledge: Admiring the world of sense as we look out upon its vastness and beauty and the order of its eternal march, thinking of the gods within it, seen and hidden, and the celestial spirits and all the life of animal and plant, let us mount…
MacKenna: Tratado 10,8 (V,1,8) — Exame dos filósofos anteriores: Platão e Parmênides
8. This is the explanation of Plato’s Triplicity, in the passage where he names as the Primals the Beings gathered about the King of All, and establishes a Secondary containing the Secondaries, and a Third containing the Tertiaries. He teaches, also, that there is an author of the Cause, that is of the Intellectual-Principle, which…
MacKenna: Tratado 10,1 (V,1,1) — A alma deve se conhecer a si mesma
1. What can it be that has brought the souls to forget the father, God, and, though members of the Divine and entirely of that world, to ignore at once themselves and It? The evil that has overtaken them has its source in self-will, in the entry into the sphere of process, and in the…
in Enéada-V-1(I) Pour concevoir Dieu, il faut que l’âme, se détachant des objets extérieurs, rentre en elle-même et examine sa propre nature; par là, elle voit qu’ayant une étroite affinité avec les choses divines, elle peut et elle doit chercher à les connaître. (II) Affranchie des liens du corps et plongée dans un recueillement profond, elle…
MacKenna: Tratado 10,2 (V,1,2) — A natureza da alma do mundo e sua atividade
2. Let every soul recall, then, at the outset the truth that soul is the author of all living things, that it has breathed the life into them all, whatever is nourished by earth and sea, all the creatures of the air, the divine stars in the sky; it is the maker of the sun;…