Categoria: Enéada-VI-2
MacKenna: Tratado 43,21 (VI,2,21) — Os gêneros primeiros e suas espécies: vinda ao ser da multiplicidade no Intelecto
21. How then does the universal Intellect produce the particulars while, in virtue of its Reason-Principle, remaining a unity? In other words, how do the various grades of Being, as we call them, arise from the four primaries? Here is this great, this infinite Intellect, not given to idle utterance but to sheer intellection, all-embracing,…
MacKenna: Tratado 43,19 (VI,2,19) — Os gêneros primeiros e suas espécies: posição do problema
19. Having established our four primary genera, it remains for us to enquire whether each of them of itself alone produces species. And especially, can Being be divided independently, that is without drawing upon the other genera? Surely not: the differentiae must come from outside the genus differentiated: they must be differentiae of Being proper,…
Guthrie: Tratado 43 (VI, 2, 7-8) — The Categories of Plotinos.
THE FIRST TWO GENERA ARE BEING AND MOVEMENT. 7. What and how much can be seen in the soul? Since we have found in the soul both being and life, and as both being and life are what is common in every soul, and as life resides in intelligence, recognizing that there is (besides the…
MacKenna: Tratado 43,20 (VI,2,20) — Os gêneros primeiros e suas espécies: o Intelecto universal e os intelectos particulares
20. We may thus distinguish two phases of Intellect, in one of which it may be taken as having no contact whatever with particulars and no Act upon anything; thus it is kept apart from being a particular intellect. In the same way science is prior to any of its constituent species, and the specific…
MacKenna: Tratado 43,13 (VI,2,13) — Eliminar outros gêneros: a quantidade
13. We turn to ask why Quantity is not included among the primary genera, and Quality also. Quantity is not among the primaries, because these are permanently associated with Being. Motion is bound up with Actual Being [Being-in-Act], since it is its life; with Motion, Stability too gained its foothold in Reality; with these are…
Guthrie: Tratado 43 (VI, 2, 9-12) — The Categories of Plotinos.
WHY NOT ADD OTHERS SUCH AS UNITY, QUANTITY, QUALITY, OR RELATION? 9. These and similar (Platonic) arguments demonstrate that those are genuinely primary genera; but how are we to prove they are exclusive? Why, for example, should not unity, quantity, quality, relation, and further (Aristotelian) categories, be added thereto? NEITHER ABSOLUTE NOR RELATIVE UNITY CAN…
MacKenna: Tratado 43,18 (VI,2,18) — Eliminar outros gêneros: o belo. As virtudes.
18. To pass to the consideration of beauty: If by beauty we mean the primary Beauty, the same or similar arguments will apply here as to goodness: and if the beauty in the Ideal-Form is, as it were, an effulgence [from that primary Beauty], we may observe that it is not identical in all participants…
MacKenna: Tratado 43,9 (VI,2,9) — Eliminar outros gêneros: o uno-ser
9. The above considerations – to which others, doubtless, might be added – suffice to show that these five are primary genera. But that they are the only primary genera, that there are no others, how can we be confident of this? Why do we not add unity to them? Quantity? Quality? Relation, and all…