Categoria: Tratado 31 (V,8)
MacKenna: Tratado 31,13 (V,8,13) — Relações entre Ouranos, Chronos, Zeus e Afrodite
13. The God fettered (as in the Kronos Myth) to an unchanging identity leaves the ordering of this universe to his son (to Zeus), for it could not be in his character to neglect his rule within the divine sphere, and, as though sated with the Authentic-Beauty, seek a lordship too recent and too poor…
MacKenna: Tratado 31,12 (V,8,12) — Porque Zeus não foi devorado seu pai Chronos
12. We have told how this vision is to be procured, whether by the mode of separation or in identity: now, seen in either way, what does it give to report? The vision has been of God in travail of a beautiful offspring, God engendering a universe within himself in a painless labour and –…
MacKenna: Tratado 31,4 (V,8,4) — Descrição lírica da vida bem-aventurosa do Intelecto
4. To “live at ease” is There; and, to these divine beings, verity is mother and nurse, existence and sustenance; all that is not of process but of authentic being they see, and themselves in all: for all is transparent, nothing dark, nothing resistant; every being is lucid to every other, in breadth and depth;…
MacKenna: Tratado 31,7 (V,8,7) — Produção e totalidade
7. Consider the universe: we are agreed that its existence and its nature come to it from beyond itself; are we, now, to imagine that its maker first thought it out in detail – the earth, and its necessary situation in the middle; water and, again, its position as lying upon the earth; all the…
MacKenna: Tratado 31,1 (V,8,1) — A beleza das artes
1. It is a principle with us that one who has attained to the vision of the Intellectual Beauty and grasped the beauty of the Authentic Intellect will be able also to come to understand the Father and Transcendent of that Divine Being. It concerns us, then, to try to see and say, for ourselves…
MacKenna: Tratado 31,2 (V,8,2) — A bem-aventurada governança do corpo
2. But let us leave the arts and consider those works produced by Nature and admitted to be naturally beautiful which the creations of art are charged with imitating, all reasoning life and unreasoning things alike, but especially the consummate among them, where the moulder and maker has subdued the material and given the form…
MacKenna: Tratado 31,3 (V,8,3) — Escalada das razões formadoras até o céu inteligível
3. Thus there is in the Nature-Principle itself an Ideal archetype of the beauty that is found in material forms and, of that archetype again, the still more beautiful archetype in Soul, source of that in Nature. In the proficient soul this is brighter and of more advanced loveliness: adorning the soul and bringing to…
MacKenna: Tratado 31,6 (V,8,6) — A verdade é conhecida intuitivamente
6. Similarly, as it seems to me, the wise of Egypt – whether in precise knowledge or by a prompting of nature – indicated the truth where, in their effort towards philosophical statement, they left aside the writing-forms that take in the detail of words and sentences – those characters that represent sounds and convey…
MacKenna: Tratado 31,8 (V,8,8) — O inteligível é a beleza perfeita
8. This then is Beauty primally: it is entire and omnipresent as an entirety; and therefore in none of its parts or members lacking in beauty; beautiful thus beyond denial. Certainly it cannot be anything (be, for example, Beauty) without being wholly that thing; it can be nothing which it is to possess partially or…
MacKenna: Tratado 31,9 (V,8,9) — Representação em imagem da potência inteligível
9. Let us, then, make a mental picture of our universe: each member shall remain what it is, distinctly apart; yet all is to form, as far as possible, a complete unity so that whatever comes into view shall show as if it were the surface of the orb over all, bringing immediately with it…
MacKenna: Tratado 31,10 (V,8,10) — A contemplação do belo no inteligível
10. This is why Zeus, although the oldest of the gods and their sovereign, advances first (in the Phaidros myth) towards that vision, followed by gods and demigods and such souls as are of strength to see. That Being appears before them from some unseen place and rising loftily over them pours its light upon…
MacKenna: Tratado 31,11 (V,8,11) — O êxtase da alma no inteligível
11. Similarly any one, unable to see himself, but possessed by that God, has but to bring that divine – within before his consciousness and at once he sees an image of himself, himself lifted to a better beauty: now let him ignore that image, lovely though it is, and sink into a perfect self-identity,…
MacKenna: Tratado 31,5 (V,8,5) — O saber verdadeiro
5. All that comes to be, work of nature or of craft, some wisdom has made: everywhere a wisdom presides at a making. No doubt the wisdom of the artist may be the guide of the work; it is sufficient explanation of the wisdom exhibited in the arts; but the artist himself goes back, after…
Plotino – Tratado 31,13 (V, 8, 13) — Relações entre Ouranos, Kronos, Zeus e Afrodite
13. Así, pues, el dios (Cronos) se aparece encadenado para mantenerse siempre idéntico a sí mismo, concediendo a su hijo (Zeus) el gobierno de este mundo. Porque no va con su carácter el abandonar el dominio del mundo inteligible para ir en busca de otro más nuevo e inferior, siendo así que él mismo posee…
Plotino – Tratado 31,12 (V, 8, 12) — Porque Zeus não foi devorado seu pai Chronos
12. Ya queda dicho, pues, cómo puede ser diferente a lo que ve y cómo puede ser idéntico. Ve, que es lo esencial, sea otro o sea él mismo. Pero, en definitiva, ¿qué es lo que da a conocer? (Nos anuncia) que ve un dios que produce un hijo hermoso y que engendra todas las…
Plotino – Tratado 31,11 (V, 8, 11) — O êxtase da alma no inteligível
11. Si somos incapaces de vernos a nosotros mismos y tan sólo después de poseídos por el dios producimos en nosotros su visión, de tal modo que, transferida a nosotros esta imagen la veamos notoriamente embellecida; si, dejando entonces imagen, por muy bella que sea, tendemos a la unidad nosotros mismos y no dividimos ya…
Plotino – Tratado 31,10 (V, 8, 10) — A contemplação do belo no inteligível
10. Por ello Zeus, que es el más antiguo de todos los dioses, a los que conduce, marcha el primero a la contemplación de lo bello, siguiéndole los otros dioses, los demonios y las almas que son capaces de esta contemplación . Y se les aparece desde un lugar invisible, surgiendo desde las alturas e…
Plotino – Tratado 31,9 (V, 8, 9) — Representação em imagem da potência inteligível
9. Reflexionemos sobre este mundo sensible, en el que cada una de sus partes permanece tal cual es y sin mezcla alguna, pero coincidentes todas en una unidad en la medida en que esto es posible, de tal modo que la aparición de una cualquiera de ellas, como por ejemplo la esfera exterior del cielo,…
Plotino – Tratado 31,8 (V, 8, 8) — O inteligível é a beleza perfeita
8. Si se trata, pues, de una belleza primera, que lo abarca todo y en todas sus partes, para que no haya ni una parte que se encuentre privada de la belleza, ¿quién podrá decir de este principio no es bello? Porque no es algo que no constituya el mismo todo, sino que, o participa…
Plotino – Tratado 31,7 (V, 8, 7) — Produção e totalidade
7. Concedemos que este universo recibe de otro ser tanto su mismo ser como el resto de sus propiedades. Pero podríamos pensar también que su creador imaginó en sí mismo la tierra, como adecuada en el centro del mundo, luego el agua, que colocaría sobre la tierra, a continuación los demás elementos, en su orden…