Categoria: Tratado 32 (V,5)
MacKenna: Tratado 32,13 (V,5,13) — A transcendência absoluta do Bem
13. The Supreme, as the Absolute Good and not merely a good being or thing, can contain nothing, since there is nothing that could be its good. Anything it could contain must be either good to it or not good; but in the supremely and primally Good there can be nothing not good; nor can…
MacKenna: Tratado 32,4 (V,5,4) — Sobre a relação entre o Uno e os números
4. We have said that all must be brought back to a unity: this must be an authentic unity, not belonging to the order in which multiplicity is unified by participation in what is truly a One; we need a unity independent of participation, not a combination in which multiplicity holds an equal place: we…
MacKenna: Tratado 32,11 (V,5,11) — Os materialistas se privam das divindades, pois elas são imateriais
11. It is infinite also by right of being a pure unity with nothing towards which to direct any partial content. Absolutely One, it has never known measure and stands outside of number, and so is under no limit either in regard to any extern or within itself; for any such determination would bring something…
MacKenna: Tratado 32,1 (V,5,1) — Porque os inteligíveis não podem se encontrar fora do Intelecto
1. The Intellectual-Principle, the veritably and essentially intellective, can this be conceived as ever falling into error, ever failing to think reality? Assuredly no: it would no longer be intelligent and therefore no longer Intellectual-Principle: it must know unceasingly – and never forget; and its knowledge can be no guesswork, no hesitating assent, no acceptance…
MacKenna: Tratado 32,2 (V,5,2) — O Intelecto contém nele todos os inteligíveis
2. Thus we may not look for the Intellectual objects (the Ideas) outside of the Intellectual-Principle, treating them as impressions of reality upon it: we cannot strip it of truth and so make its objects unknowable and non-existent and in the end annul the Intellectual-Principle itself. We must provide for knowledge and for truth; we…
MacKenna: Tratado 32,3 (V,5,3) — O Intelecto é um segundo deus e vem do primeiro deus
3. Thus we have here one identical Principle, the Intellect, which is the universe of authentic beings, the Truth: as such it is a great god or, better, not a god among gods but the Godhead entire. It is a god, a secondary god manifesting before there is any vision of that other, the Supreme…
MacKenna: Tratado 32,5 (V,5,5) — O Uno engendra o resto das coisas, produzindo o ser em primeiro
5. We return to our statement that The First remains intact even when other entities spring from it. In the case of numbers, the unit remains intact while something else produces, and thus number arises in dependence on the unit: much more then does the unit, The One, remain intact in the principle which is…
MacKenna: Tratado 32,7 (V,5,7) — Analogia entre o Intelecto e o olho
7. Consider the act of ocular vision: There are two elements here; there is the form perceptible to the sense and there is the medium by which the eye sees that form. This medium is itself perceptible to the eye, distinct from the form to be seen, but the cause of the seeing; it is…
MacKenna: Tratado 32,8 (V,5,8) — A luz do Uno está por toda parte
8. So that we are left wondering whence it came, from within or without; and when it has gone, we say, “It was here. Yet no; it was beyond!” But we ought not to question whence; there is no whence, no coming or going in place; now it is seen and now not seen. We…
MacKenna: Tratado 32,9 (V,5,9) — O Uno está inteiramente por toda parte
9. Everything brought into being under some principle not itself is contained either within its maker or, if there is any intermediate, within that: having a prior essential to its being, it needs that prior always, otherwise it would not be contained at all. It is the order of nature: The last in the immediately…
MacKenna: Tratado 32,10 (V,5,10) — Como se percebe o Uno
10. Still, do not, I urge you, look for The Good through any of these other things; if you do, you will see not itself but its trace: you must form the idea of that which is to be grasped cleanly standing to itself not in any combination, the unheld in which all have hold:…
MacKenna: Tratado 32,12 (V,5,12) — A primazia do Bem, que vem mesmo antes do Belo
12. Knowing demands the organ fitted to the object; eyes for one kind, ears for another: similarly some things, we must believe, are to be known by the Intellectual-Principle in us. We must not confuse intellection with hearing or seeing; this would be trying to look with the ears or denying sound because it is…
MacKenna: Tratado 32,6 (V,5,6) — Sobre a natureza do Uno
6. All this, however, we may leave to individual judgement: to proceed: This produced reality is an Ideal form – for certainly nothing springing from the Supreme can be less – and it is not a particular form but the form of all, beside which there is no other; it follows that The First must…
Plotino – Tratado 32,13 (V, 5, 13) — A transcendência absoluta do Bem
13. Conviene, pues, que sea el Bien mismo, y no un ser bueno, ya que no posee nada en sí mismo, ni siquiera el Bien. Porque lo que pudiera poseer tendría que ser bueno o no serlo; pero lo que no es bueno ya no podría encontrarse en el Bien más alto y primero, lo…
Plotino – Tratado 32,12 (V, 5, 12) — A primazia do Bem, que vem mesmo antes do Belo
12. Es preciso que percibamos cada cosa por la facultad cognoscitiva que corresponda; unas por los ojos, otras por los oídos y las demás de la misma forma. Y hemos de pensar, bien, que hay otras cosas que ve la Inteligencia, y que comprender no es escuchar ni ver. ¡Como si pudiese prescribirse que se…
Plotino – Tratado 32,11 (V, 5, 11) — Os materialistas se privam das divindades, pois elas são imateriais
11. Posee la infinitud porque no es múltiple y porque no tiene nada que lo limite. Por ser uno no puede ser medido ni alcanza la condición de número. No es limitado, ni por otra cosa ni por sí mismo, ya que si así fuese, sería al menos dos. No tiene, pues, figura, ni partes,…
Plotino – Tratado 32,10 (V, 5, 10) — Como se percebe o Uno
10. No le veáis, pues, por intermedio de las otras cosas; porque, en ese caso, veréis sólo su huella, pero no a él mismo. Pensad, por tanto, en lo que pueda ser y tomadle en sí mismo, en su ser puro, sin mezcla de ninguna otra cosa; que todas las cosas participan de El, sin…
Plotino – Tratado 32,9 (V, 5, 9) — O Uno está inteiramente por toda parte
9. Todo ser que es engendrado por otro, o se encuentra en el ser que le engendra o está en otro ser, supuesto que exista otro ser después del que le ha engendrado. Siendo, pues, engendrado por otro, y teniendo necesidad de otro para ser engendrado, subsiste en todas partes la necesidad de otro, por…
Plotino – Tratado 32,8 (V, 5, 8) — A luz do Uno está por toda parte
8. No debe, pues, preguntarse de dónde viene, porque hay lugar de donde pueda venir. Ciertamente, ni viene marcha a ningún lado, sino que se presenta y deja de presentarse. Por lo que no conviene perseguirla, sino esperar tranquilamente a que aparezca, lo mismo que se prepara el ojo en espera de la salida del…
Plotino – Tratado 32,7 (V, 5, 7) — Analogia entre o Intelecto e o olho
7. Porque se puede ver en acto de dos maneras. Por ejemplo, por medio del ojo, y entonces el objeto que se ofrece es, primero, la forma de la cosa sensible, y a continuación la luz por medio de la cual se ve el objeto. Esta luz es percibida por el ojo, aunque sea diferente…