Categoria: Porfírio
Porfírio: Sentenças 32
in PorfírioUnas son las virtudes del político y otras las de quien se eleva mediante la contemplación, que, por esto, es llamado contemplativo. Unas son las de quien ya es un perfecto contemplativo y vive contemplando, y otras las del Intelecto puro separado del Alma. Las del político consisten en la moderación de las pasiones, es…
Guthrie: Vida de Plotino XVI
XVI. PLOTINOS S POLEMIC AGAINST THE GNOSTICS. At that time there were many Christians, among whom were prominent sectarians who had given up the ancient philosophy (of Plato and Pythagoras), such as Adelphius and Aquilinus. They esteemed and possessed the greater part of the works of Alexander of Lybia, of Philocomus, of Demostrates and of…
Guthrie: Vida de Plotino XVII
XVII. START OF THE AMELIO-PORPHYRIAN CON TROVERSY, OVER NUMENIUS. The Greeks insisted that Plotinos had appropriated the teachings of Numenius. Trypho, who was both a Stoic and a Platonist, insisted on this to Amelius, who wrote a book that we have entitled, “On the Differ ence Between the Teachings of Plotinos and Numen ius. ”…
Guthrie: Vida de Plotino XVIII
XVIII. POLEMIC BETWEEN AMELIUS AND POR PHYRY; AMELIUS TEACHES PORPHYRY. I have quoted this letter in full to show that, even in the times of Plotinos himself, it was claimed that Plotinos had borrowed and advertised as his own teach ings of Numenius; also that he was called a trifler, and in short that he…
Guthrie: Vida de Plotino XIX
XIX. HOW THE WORKS OF PLOTINOS WERE PUT INTO SHAPE. You may judge of the high opinion of Plotinos held by Longinus, from a part of a letter he addressed to me. I was in Sicily; he wished me to visit him in Phoenicia, and desired me to bring him a copy of the works…
Guthrie: Vida de Plotino XX
XX. OPINION OF LONGINUS, THE GREAT CRITIC, ABOUT PLOTINOS. I have made this rather long quotation only to show what was thought of Plotinos by the greatest critic of our days, the man who had examined all the works of his time. At first Longinus had scorned Plotinos, be cause he had relied on the…
Guthrie: Vida de Plotino XXI
XXI. RESULTS OF LONGINUS S CRITICISM AND VINDICATION OF PLOTINOS’S ORIGINALITY. From the above it will be seen that Plotinos and Amelius are superior to all their contemporaries by the great number of questions they consider, and by the originality of their system; that Plotinos had not ap propriated the opinions of Numenius, and that…
Guthrie: Vida de Plotino XXII
XXII. THE APOLLONIAN ORACLE ABOUT PLOTINOS. (But when I have a long oracle of Apollo to quote, why should I delay over a letter of Longinus s, or, in the words of the proverb, quoted in Iliad xxii. 126 and Hesiod Theogony 35), “Why should I dally near the oak-trees, or the rock? ” If…
Guthrie: Vida de Plotino XXIII
XXIII. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PLOTINOS; THE ECSTATIC TRANCES. This oracle (pieced out of numerous quotations) says (in some now lost lines, perhaps) that Plotinos was kindly, affable, indulgent, gentle, such as, indeed we knew him in personal intercourse. It also mentions that this philosopher slept little, that his soul was pure, ever aspiring to the…
Guthrie: Vida de Plotino XV
XV. PORPHYRY EARNED RECOGNITION AT THE SCHOOL OF PLOTINOS. At a celebration of Plato s birthday I was reading a poem about the “Mystic Marriage” (of the Soul) when somebody doubted my sanity, because it con tained both enthusiasm and mysticism. Plotinos spoke up, and said to me, loud enough to be heard by every…
Bouillet: Vie de Plotin (Sommaire)
VIE DE PLOTIN Resumo de M.-N. Bouillet no volume I de sua tradução das Enéadas (PDF de 27 Mb) (§ I-III) Plotin ne voulait pas donner de détails sur sa famille et sa patrie, par dédain des choses terrestres. Il naquit (à Lycopolis*) la treizième année du règne de Septime-Sevère (205 après J.-C.s), et mourut…
Guthrie – Porfírio
in PorfírioTraduções de comentários relativos às Enéadas. THEORY OF INTELLIGIBLES IN THE EDITIONS OF BOUILLET, CREUZER, AND HOLSTENIUS The order of Bouillet has been left, because the other orders differ anyway, and because this is the one that Porphyry introduced into the works of Plotinos. It must, therefore, have been of most significance to him.
On the Faculties of the Soul
in PorfírioFragmentos de um livro perdido de Porfírio, traduzidos por Guthrie. OBJECT OF THE BOOK. We propose to describe the faculties of the soul, and to set forth the various opinions on the subject held by both ancient and modern thinkers. Objeto do Livro Nos propomos descrever as faculdades da alma, e estabelecer as várias opiniões…
Porfírio: Plotino — Corpo
in Porfírio1. Plotinus, the philosopher our contemporary, seemed ashamed of being in the body. So deeply rooted was this feeling that he could never be induced to tell of his ancestry, his parentage, or his birthplace. He showed, too, an unconquerable reluctance to sit to a painter of a sculptor, and when Amelius persisted in urging…
VIE DE PLOTIN (§ I-III) Plotin ne voulait pas donner de détails sur sa famille et sa patrie, par dédain des choses terrestres. Il naquit (à Lycopolis*) la treizième année du règne de Septime-Sevère (205 après J.-C.s), et mourut de la peste en Campanie, à l’âge de soixante-six ans, ayant auprès de lui un seul…
Porfírio: Sentenças
in PorfírioExcertos da apresentação de Michael Hornum, PORPHYRY’S LAUNCHING POINTS TO THE REALM OF MIND Em Sentenças, Porfírio estabelece uma série de ideias de Plotino relevantes para aqueles que buscam se encaminhar pela via neoplatônica para a realização da sua verdadeira essência no reino da Mente. As Sentenças buscam elucidar os fundamentos da via para o…
PORPHYRE Porphyre de Tyr (233 305), dès qu’il eut fait la connaissance de Plotin à Rome, en 263, se consacra à répandre ses idées, à éditer ses œuvres en les faisant précéder d’une vie du maître (298), à écrire une Introduction aux intelligibles, où il utilise les Ennéades pour donner une vue d’ensemble de la…
Bouillet – Porfírio
in PorfírioAVERTISSEMENT. Parmi les documents dont la lecture est propre à faciliter l’étude des Ennéades de Plotin et à leur servir d’introduction, un des plus utiles est l’écrit intitulé Aphormai pros ta noeta (01) (Sententiae ad intelligibilia ducentes), Principes de ta théorie des intelligibles. C’est, comme nous l’expliquons ci-dessous, un ensemble de morceaux qui ont été…
Guthrie: Vida de Plotino VII
VII. VARIOUS DISCIPLES OF PLOTINOS. Plotinos had a great number of auditors and dis ciples, who were attracted to his courses by love of philosophy. Among this number was Amelius of Etruria, whose true name was Gentilianus. He did indeed insist that in his name the letter “l” should be replaced by “r,” so that…
Guthrie: Vida de Plotino XXIV
XXIV. CONTENTS OF THE VARIOUS ENNEADS. This is what I have to relate of the life of Plotinos, He had, however, asked me to arrange and revise his works. I promised both him and his friends to work on them. I did not judge it wjse to arrange them in confusion chronologically. So I imitated…