Categoria: Porfírio
Porfírio: Sentenças
in PorfírioExcertos da apresentação de Michael Hornum, PORPHYRY’S LAUNCHING POINTS TO THE REALM OF MIND Em Sentenças, Porfírio estabelece uma série de ideias de Plotino relevantes para aqueles que buscam se encaminhar pela via neoplatônica para a realização da sua verdadeira essência no reino da Mente. As Sentenças buscam elucidar os fundamentos da via para o…
Porfírio (Commentarios Tratado 30) – Da Natureza, Contemplação, e do Uno
VIDE Tratado 30 DO PENSAMENTO. 12. (1) O pensamento não é o mesmo em toda a parte; difere segundo a natureza de cada ser. Na inteligência, é intelectual; na alma, é racional; na planta, é seminal; enfim, é superior à inteligência e à existência no princípio que as ultrapassa. DA VIDA. 13. (7) A palavra…
PORPHYRE (Bréhier)
in PorfírioPORPHYRE Porphyre de Tyr (233 305), dès qu’il eut fait la connaissance de Plotin à Rome, en 263, se consacra à répandre ses idées, à éditer ses œuvres en les faisant précéder d’une vie du maître (298), à écrire une Introduction aux intelligibles, où il utilise les Ennéades pour donner une vue d’ensemble de la…
Porfírio (Bouillet)
in PorfírioAVERTISSEMENT. Parmi les documents dont la lecture est propre à faciliter l’étude des Ennéades de Plotin et à leur servir d’introduction, un des plus utiles est l’écrit intitulé Aphormai pros ta noeta (01) (Sententiae ad intelligibilia ducentes), Principes de ta théorie des intelligibles. C’est, comme nous l’expliquons ci-dessous, un ensemble de morceaux qui ont été…
Porfírio (Commentarios Tratado 23) – The One and Identical Being is everywhere present in its entirety
VIDE Eneada-VI-5 THE INCORPOREAL BEING IS ENTIRE IN EVERYTHING. 40. Better to express the special nature of incorporeal existence the ancient philosophers, particularly Parmenides, do not content themselves with saying “it is one,” but they also add “and all,” just as a sense-object is a whole. But as this unity of the sense-object contains a…
Vida de Plotino X (Guthrie)
X. HOW PLOTINOS TREATED HIS ADVERSARY, OLYMPIUS. Among those who pretended to be philosophers, there was a certain man named Olympius. He lived in Alexandria, and for some time had been a disciple of Ammonius. As he desired to succeed better than Plotinos, he treated Plotinos with scorn, and developed sufficient personal animosity against Plotinos…
Vida de Plotino XXIV (Guthrie)
XXIV. CONTENTS OF THE VARIOUS ENNEADS. This is what I have to relate of the life of Plotinos, He had, however, asked me to arrange and revise his works. I promised both him and his friends to work on them. I did not judge it wjse to arrange them in confusion chronologically. So I imitated…
Fraile: Porfírio
in PorfírioExcertos de HISTÓRIA DA FILOSOFIA de Guillermo Fraile Porfirio (h.233-304).—Natural de Tiro o de Batanea (Siria). Su nombre propio era Maleo. Estudió primeramente en Alejandría, donde conoció a Orígenes, y después en Atenas con Longino Casio el retórico y con el gramático Demetrio. En 262 fue a Roma, ingresando en la escuela de Plotino, donde…
Vida de Plotino II (Guthrie)
II. SICKNESS AND DEATH OF PLOTINOS; HIS BIRTH DAY UNKNOWN. Plotinos was subject to chronic digestive disorders; nevertheless, he never was willing to take any remedies, on the plea that it was unworthy of a man of his age to relieve himself by such means. Neither did he ever take any of the then popular…
Vida de Plotino
in PorfírioPrincipal biografia de Plotino, escrita por seu discípulo também responsável pela organização dos tratados do mestre em uma obra denominada Enéadas. Algumas versões estão disponíveis na Internet: Plotinus : the ethical treatises : being the treatises of the First Ennead with Porphyry’s life of Plotinus , and the Preller-Ritter extracts forming a conspectus of the…
Vida de Plotino III (Guthrie)
III. PLOTINOS’S EARLY EDUCATION. This is as much as we learned about him during various interviews with him. At eight years of age he was already under instruction by a grammarian, though the habit of uncovering his nurse s breast to suck her milk, with avidity, still clung to him. One day, however, she so…
Vida de Plotino IV (Guthrie)
IV. HOW PORPHYRY CAME TO PLOTINOS. FOR THE FIRST TIME, IN 253. In the tenth year of the reign of Gallienus, I (then being twenty years of age), left Greece and went to Rome with Antonius of Rhodes. I found there Amelius, who had been following the courses of Plotinos for eighteen years. He had…
Vida de Plotino V (Guthrie)
V. HOW PORPHYRY CAME TO PLOTINOS FOR THE SECOND TIME (A. D. 263-269). I remained with him this year, and the five follow ing ones. I had already visited Rome ten years pre viously; but at that time Plotinos spent his summers in vacation, and contented himself with instructing his visitors orally. During the above-mentioned…
Vida de Plotino VI (Guthrie)
VI. PLOTINOS S BOOKS OF THE THIRD PERIOD (THE EUSTOCHIAN PERIOD). While I was in Sicily, where I went in the fifteenth year of the reign of Gallienus, he wrote five new books that he sent me: 46. Of Happiness. i. 4. 47. Of Providence, First. iii. 2. 48. Of Providence, Second. iii. 3. 49.…
Vida de Plotino VII (Guthrie)
VII. VARIOUS DISCIPLES OF PLOTINOS. Plotinos had a great number of auditors and dis ciples, who were attracted to his courses by love of philosophy. Among this number was Amelius of Etruria, whose true name was Gentilianus. He did indeed insist that in his name the letter “l” should be replaced by “r,” so that…
Vida de Plotino VIII (Guthrie)
VIII. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PLOTINOS. Once Plotinos had written something, he could neither retouch, nor even re-read what he had done, because his weak eyesight made any reading very painful. His penmanship was poor. He did not sepa”- rate words, and his spelling was defective; he was chiefly occupied with ideas. Until his death he…
Vida de Plotino IX (Guthrie)
IX. PLOTINOS AS GUARDIAN AND ARBITRATOR. There were women who were very much attached to him. There was his boarding house keeper Gemina, and her daughter, also called Gemina; there was also Amphiclea, wife of Aristo, son of Jamblichus, all three of whom were very fond of philosophy. Several men and women of substance, being…
in Porfíriogr. στάσις, stásis (he): repouso. Derivado do verbo gr. ἵστημι, hístemi / histemi: ponho, coloco. Esse termo indica imobilidade, permanência, continuidade. Opõe-se a kínesis / kinesis, movimento. Whether a person who has the greater virtues also has the lesser in actuality, or in another way, has to be studied case by case. Take practical wisdom:…
Vida de Plotino XI (Guthrie)
XI PLOTINOS AS DETECTIVE AND AS PROPHET; PORPHYRY SAVED FROM SUICIDE. So perfectly did he understand the character of men, and their methods of thought, that he could discover stolen objects, and foresaw what those who resided with him should some day become. A magnificent necklace had been stolen from Chione, an estimable widow, who…
Vida de Plotino XII (Guthrie)
XII. THE PROJECT OF A PLATONOPOLIS COMES TO NAUGHT. The emperor Gallienus and the empress Salonina, his wife, held Plotinos in high regard. Counting on their good will, he besought them to have a ruined town in Campania rebuilt, to give it with all its territory to him, that its inhabitants might be ruled by…