Categoria: Francis Macdonald Cornford (1874-1943)
Cornford (Teeteto) – episteme
The opening section [THEAETETUS] characterises the speakers and introduces the subject of discussion : the definition of knowledge. For the rest, it is concerned with method. Socrates, as in several earlier dialogues, dwells on the distinction (which must, it seems, have been difficult for the ordinary reader to grasp) between giving a number of instances…
Cornford (1957:7-10) – Cosmologia de Anaximandro
Anaximander was the second and greatest of the three Milesians who presided in succession over the first school of Greek philosophers. The chief object of speculation for all of them was, not man or human society, but ‘Nature ‘(physis). Philosophical writings of the sixth and fifth centuries were commonly entitled Concerning Nature (Περί Φύσεως). ‘Nature’—the…
hapanta ta onta (Cornford)
Sem dúvida, no texto aristotélico, hápanta tà ónta refere-se diretamente ao lado de cá, digamos, às coisas do mundo empírico, e não ao lado de lá — ao princípio de todas elas. Mas se a posição de um princípio é o que permite falar de todas as coisas, como se fossem uma só, então o…
hierophania, Hierofania, Hierofante The strength of a mystery cult is, in great measure, due to the symbolic character of its rites. In the ordinary public services of family or state religion the ritual bears its meaning on its face* the intention is expressed and exhausted in the action and the accompanying words. A mystic rite,…