goods of the soul

Soc. Next, let us consider the GOODS OF THE SOUL : they are temperance, justice, courage, quickness of apprehension, memory, magnanimity, and the like ? MENO

Str. In the second place, he was a merchant in the GOODS OF THE SOUL. SOPHIST

Ath. We maintain, then, that a State which would be safe and happy, as far as the nature of man allows, must and ought to distribute honour and dishonour in the right way. And the right way is to place the GOODS OF THE SOUL first and highest in the scale, always assuming temperance to be the condition of them ; and to assign the second place to the goods of the body ; and the third place to money and property. And it any legislator or state departs from this rule by giving money the place of honour, or in any way preferring that which is really last, may we not say, that he or the state is doing an unholy and unpatriotic thing ? LAWS BOOK III

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