kategoriai: accusations, predications, categories, praedicamenta, summa genera (scii, entis)

The ten (in some lists only eight) most general ways in which a subject may be described; a logical structuring that corresponds to the real existence of things: the eide of being in Meta. 1003b21 or, again, the summa genera of being (see genos). The most complete list is given in Cat. 1b-2a: substance (ousia), quantity (poson), quality (poion), relation (pros ti), place (pou), time (pote), position (keis-thai), state (echein), action (poien), affection (paschein)·, for their relationship with the four predicables, see Top. 103a-b and idion. Aristotle’s kategoriai are criticized by Plotinus in Enn. VI, 1, 1-24. The Stoics reduced the categories to four: subject (hypokeimenon), quality, state, relation, SVF n, 369; they are discussed by Plotinus, Enn. VI, 1, 25-30. (TFG)