
His Way is indicated in many sumptuous passages of the Enneads – it is coldly charted for him in the tractate on Dialectic, I.3. The Term is more richly described in the famous sixth tract of the same First Ennead: the main need, the cry, of man’s nature is to become actually, as he is always potentially, Divine: all his faculties, images each of its next highest, culminate in the Intellectual-Principle or Intellective-Principle, the Intuitional or True-knowing Faculty; and his duty, or rather his happiness, his blessedness, his deepest inner voice, is to labour his entire being into identification with this, the Divine in him: through this inner Divine, in an ecstasy away from all the lower and, first, from all that links him to Matter, he may even in this life attain to the ‘possession’ of the God-head in an ineffable act of identification, becoming UNIATE, one with God, actually God, and foretasting the blessedness of the final Return after which he is for all the space of eternity to be with the Godhead, to be Divine, or to be God.

THE PROFICIENT translates o opouthaios, and means the achieved Mystic, the Adept, almost the ‘Uniate’, the human being who has become ‘wholly the Divine’. (Stephen MacKenna)