Categoria: Enéada-III-2
Crouzel (OP:481-484) – providência [pronoia]
La providence, c’est-à-dire ici l’Âme du Monde, est à l’origine du mouvement circulaire du ciel1. Il est impie de dire avec les gnostiques qu’elle ne pénètre pas dans le monde d’ici-bas, ni dans n’importe quel monde, mais qu’elle s’occupe seulement d’eux, les gnostiques. Le monde sensible a quelque chose de celui d’en haut et n’est…
MacKenna: Tratado 47,5 (III,2,5) — Nada escapa à lei, às provações e às retribuições do universo
5. Now, once Happiness is possible at all to Souls in this Universe, if some fail of it, the blame must fall not upon the place but upon the feebleness insufficient to the staunch combat in the one arena where the rewards of excellence are offered. Men are not born divine; what wonder that they…
MacKenna: Tratado 47,4 (III,2,4) — A vida daqui é movimento e desordem
4. That water extinguishes fire and fire consumes other things should not astonish us. The thing destroyed derived its being from outside itself: this is no case of a self-originating substance being annihilated by an external; it rose on the ruin of something else, and thus in its own ruin it suffers nothing strange; and…
MacKenna: Tratado 47,3 (III,2,3) — O universo é belo e autárcico
3. Nor would it be sound to condemn this Kosmos as less than beautiful, as less than the noblest possible in the corporeal; and neither can any charge be laid against its source. The world, we must reflect, is a product of Necessity, not of deliberate purpose: it is due to a higher Kind engendering…
MacKenna: Tratado 47,2 (III,2,2) — O universo é uma imagem inferior do Intelecto
2. By derivation from that Authentic Kosmos, one within itself, there subsists this lower kosmos, no longer a true unity. It is multiple, divided into various elements, thing standing apart from thing in a new estrangement. No longer is there concord unbroken; hostility, too, has entered as the result of difference and distance; imperfection has…
MacKenna: Tratado 47,1 (III,2,1) — Existe uma providência que governa o universo
Eneada-III, 2, 1 1. To make the existence and coherent structure of this Universe depend upon automatic activity and upon chance is against all good sense. Such a notion could be entertained only where there is neither intelligence nor even ordinary perception; and reason enough has been urged against it, though none is really necessary.…
MacKenna: Tratado 47,15 (III,2,15) — Necessidade da guerra
15. These considerations apply very well to things considered as standing alone: but there is a stumbling-block, a new problem, when we think of all these forms, permanent and ceaselessly produced, in mutual relationship. The animals devour each other: men attack each other: all is war without rest, without truce: this gives new force to…
MacKenna: Tratado 47,6 (III,2,6) — Posto que existe injustiças, o universo depende do Intelecto
6. As for the disregard of desert – the good afflicted, the unworthy thriving – it is a sound explanation no doubt that to the good nothing is evil and to the evil nothing can be good: still the question remains why should what essentially offends our nature fall to the good while the wicked…
MacKenna: Tratado 47 (III, 2) – Da providência (1).
The Third Ennead Second tractate. On providence (1). Eneada-III-2
Igal: Tratado 47,5 (III, 2, 5) – Nada escapa à lei, às provações e às retribuições do universo
5. Si, pues, es posible a las almas alcanzar la felicidad en este mundo, no atribuiremos su desgracia al lugar en que ellas viven, sino a su incapacidad de afrontar con éxito este combate, en el que se nos ofrecen los premios de la virtud. ¿Tiene algo de extraño el no poseer la vida divina,…
Igal: Tratado 47,4 (III, 2, 4) – A vida daqui é movimento e desordem
4. No nos admiremos de que el fuego sea apagado por el agua, o de que cualquier otra cosa sea destruida por el fuego. Alguna otra cosa trajo al fuego a la existencia y, como no se ha producido por sí mismo, algo también que no es él le destruye. El fuego vino a la…
Igal: Tratado 47,3 (III, 2, 3) – O universo é belo e autárcico
3. No procedería muy justamente quien abominase de este mundo como si se tratase de algo que no es bello ni perfecto, entre los seres corpóreos. Ni estaría bien acusar a quien le dio el ser, porque su existencia es, ante todo, producto de la necesidad y no de una acción reflexiva. El ser superior…
Igal: Tratado 47,2 (III, 2, 2) – O universo é uma imagem inferior do Intelecto
2. De ese mundo verdadero y uno obtiene su existencia este mundo nuestro que no es verdaderamente uno; que es múltiple, añadiremos, y se halla repartido en muchas partes, distantes y extrañas entre sí, en las cuales ya no reina la amistad, sino también el odio, por la misma separación e insuficiencia de cada parte…