Kingsley (2003:555-556) – o mundo nasce em nós, não o inverso


Há uma estranha história que nos é contada e, além de ser contada, espera-se que vivamos. Esse é o mito da existência humana. De acordo com ela, nascemos em um mundo dos sentidos para que possamos vagar sem sentido por ele por um curto período. Depois, morremos dentro dele enquanto ele continua sem nós.

Toda a nossa existência baseia-se na suposição de que somos pequenos seres no meio de tudo o que percebemos, cercados por um vasto cosmo que é separado e independente de nós: o mundo exterior, o mundo em geral.

E quando cumprimos a ordem divina, quando de fato fazemos o que Empédocles diz que precisa ser feito, a história acaba. Não apenas a estrutura de toda a nossa vida é revertida, invertida, transposta. Até mesmo o que havia sido virado de cabeça para baixo antes é virado de cabeça para baixo mais uma vez.

De repente, nos damos conta de que, em vez de nascermos no mundo, esse mundo simplesmente nasceu em nós. Para onde quer que olhemos, estamos vendo não aquilo de que dependemos para sobreviver, mas o que agora depende de nós para sobreviver. Pois, por meio de nossa consciência divina, somos a fonte, o criador e o mantenedor do universo, assim como uma árvore sustenta seus galhos e brotos.


There is a strange story we are told and, as well as being told, are expected to live. This is the myth of human existence. According to it we are born into a world of the senses so we can wander senselessly around in it for a short while. Then we die inside it while it goes on without us.

All our existence is based on the assumption that we are little selves in the middle of everything we perceive, surrounded by a vast cosmos which is separate and independent from us: the outside world, the world at large.

And when we carry out the divine command, when we actually do what Empedocles says needs to be done, the story is over. Not only is the structure of our entire life reversed; inverted; transposed. Even what had been turned upside down before is turned upside down, for good measure, one more time.

All of a sudden we become aware that, instead of our being born into the world, this world has simply been born in us. Wherever we look we are seeing not what we depend on for our survival but what now depends on us in order to survive. For through our divine awareness we are the source and creator and maintainer of the universe just as a tree sustains its branches and shoots.

To plant our perceptions in ourselves, to become the trunk and stock they all take their life from: this is not insanity, although it will certainly seem so from the human point of view.

On the contrary, it’s only the ancient practice of common sense.

It’s the action that has to be taken by humans who are ready to obey their superiors. And as a result of this one action, infinitely more real than any other decisions you imagine you have ever made, you will discover that nothing exists apart from you. There is nothing outside you any more: nothing out there at all. You are everybody, everywhere.

Everything is inside you now, rooted deep into your being. And with the entire universe inside of you, where in reality it always has been, you can sense for the first time how much power you hold in the palm of your hand. For the whole world— whatever you experience or perceive—is just buds on the tree that you are.