Tag: Benjamin Jowett

  • Jowett: aboulia

    Soc. Doxa is either derived from dioxis (pursuit), and expresses the march of the soul in the pursuit of knowledge, or from the shooting of a bow (toxon) ; the latter is more likely, and is confirmed by oiesis (thinking), which is only oisis (moving), and implies the movement of the soul to the essential…

  • Platão (Rep. 604b-604e) – dois elementos no homem

    — Mas, quando há no homem impulsos contrários e simultâneos em relação ao mesmo objecto, dizemos que há necessariamente nele dois elementos. [467] — Pois não! — Ora um estará pronto a obedecer à lei, naquilo que ela lhe prescrever? — Como? — A lei diz que o que há de mais belo é conservar…

  • Parmênides (130a-133a) – As Ideias

    Carlos Alberto Nunes Contou Pitodoro que durante toda essa fala de Sócrates, ele teve medo de que Parmênides e Zenão se agastassem a cada uma de suas objeções. Mas a verdade é que ambos o ouviram com a máxima atenção, e a todo instante, sorrindo, se entreolhavam, como que tomados de admiração diante de Sócrates.…

  • Parmênides 127d-130a — início do debate uno-múltiplo

    Carlos Alberto Nunes Terminada essa parte, Sócrates lhe pediu que relesse a primeira hipótese do primeiro argumento, depois do que se manifestou: Que queres dizer com isto, Zenão? Se os seres são múltiplos, por força terão de mostrar, a um só tempo, semelhanças e dissemelhanças, o que não é possível. Nem o semelhante pode ser…

  • Jowett: Phaedo (114c-116a) — A lição do mito

    Wherefore, Simmias, seeing all these things, what ought not we to do in order to obtain virtue and wisdom in this life ? Fair is the prize, and the hope great. I do not mean to affirm that the description which I have given of the soul and her mansions is exactly true — a…

  • Jowett: Phaedo (113d-114c) — Sanções

    Such is the name of the other world ; and when the dead arrive at the place to which the genius of each severally conveys them, first of all they have sentence passed upon them, as they have lived well and piously or not. And those who appear to have lived neither well nor ill,…

  • Jowett: Phaedo (111c-113c) — Geografia infernal

    Such is the nature of the whole earth, and of the things which are around the earth ; and there are divers regions in the hollows on the face of the globe everywhere, some of them deeper and also wider than that which we inhabit, others deeper and with a narrower opening than ours, and…

  • Jowett: Phaedo (110b-111c) — A terra superior

    The tale, my friend, he said, is as follows : In the first place, the earth, when looked at from above, is like one of those balls which have leather coverings in twelve pieces, and is of divers colors, of which the colors which painters use on earth are only a sample. But there the…

  • Jowett: Phaedo (108c-110a) — Cosmologia e geografia gerais

    Now the earth has divers wonderful regions, and is indeed in nature and extent very unlike the notions of geographers, as I believe on the authority of one who shall be nameless. What do you mean, Socrates ? said Simmias. I have myself heard many descriptions of the earth, but I do not know in…

  • Jowett: Phaedo (107a-107d) — Tudo ainda não foi dito

    I am convinced, Socrates, said Cebes, and have nothing more to object ; but if my friend Simmias, or anyone else, has any further objection, he had better speak out, and not keep silence, since I do not know how there can ever be a more fitting time to which he can defer the discussion,…