Tag: hedone

  • Jowett: Philebus 36c-42c — Prazeres verdadeiros e prazeres falsos

    Soc. Shall the enquiry into these states of feeling be made the occasion of raising a question ? Pro. What question ? Soc. Whether we ought to say that the pleasures and pains of which we are speaking are true or false ? or some true and some false ? Pro. But how, Socrates, can…

  • Jowett: PHILEBUS

    PHILEBUS Persons of the Dialogue : SOCRATES ; PROTARCHUS ; PHILEBUS. The plan is complicated, or rather, perhaps, the want of plan renders the progress of the dialogue difficult to follow. A few leading ideas seem to emerge: the relation of the one and many, the four original elements, the kinds of pleasure, the kinds…

  • Jowett: Philebus 66d-67b — Epílogo

    Soc. Then let us sum up and reassert what has been said, thus offering the third libation to the saviour Zeus. Pro. How ? Soc. Philebus affirmed that pleasure was always and absolutely the good. Pro. I understand ; this third libation, Socrates, of which you spoke, meant a recapitulation. Soc. Yes, but listen to…

  • Jowett: Philebus 64c-66d — Os três fatores constitutivos do Soberano Bem

    Soc. And may we not say with reason that we are now at the vestibule of the habitation of the good ? Pro. I think that we are. Soc. What, then, is there in the mixture which is most precious, and which is the principal cause why such a state is universally beloved by all…

  • Jowett: Philebus 61a-64b — A vida mixta, mistura de sabedoria e de prazer

    Soc. Then the perfect and universally eligible and entirely good cannot possibly be either of them ? Pro. Impossible. Soc. Then now we must ascertain the nature of the good more or less accurately, in order, as we were saying, that the second place may be duly assigned. Pro. Right. Soc. Have we not found…

  • Jowett: Philebus 59d-66d — O Soberano Bem

    Soc. In the next place, as to the mixture, here are the ingredients, pleasure and wisdom, and we may be compared to artists who have their materials ready to their hands. Pro. Yes. Soc. And now we must begin to mix them ? Pro. By all means. Soc. But had we not better have a…

  • Jowett: Philebus 55c-59d — A Sabedoria

    Soc. And now, having subjected pleasure to every sort of test, let us not appear to be too sparing of mind and knowledge : let us ring their metal bravely, and see if there be unsoundness in any part, until we have found out what in them is of the purest nature ; and then…

  • Jowett: Philebus 53c-55c — Crítica da doutrina do prazer como processo

    Soc. But what do you say of another question : — have we not heard that pleasure is always a generation, and has no true being ? Do not certain ingenious philosophers teach this doctrine, and ought not we to be grateful to them ? Pro. What do they mean ? Soc. I will explain…

  • Jowett: Philebus 46b-53c — Prazeres puros e prazeres misturados

    Pro. Then we had better proceed to analyze this family of pleasures. Soe. You mean the pleasures which are mingled with pain ? Pro. Exactly. Soc. There are some mixtures which are of the body, and only in the body, and others which are of the soul, and only in the soul ; while there…

  • Jowett: Philebus 42c-46b — Crítica de teorias do prazer

    Soc. Next let us see whether in another direction we may not find pleasures and pains existing and appearing in living beings, which are still more false than these. Pro. What are they, and how shall we find them ? Soc. If I am not mistaken, I have often repeated that pains and aches and…

  • Filebo 29a-30c — O universo e nós

    Sócrates – Chega-te, então, para ver o que se segue ao nosso argumento. Protarco – Podes falar. Sócrates – O que entra na composição da natureza de corpos de todos os seres vivos: fogo, e água e ar e também terra, como dizem os que já se viram assaltados por grandes tempestades, reaparece na composição…

  • Jowett: Philebus 33c-36c — Prazeres próprios à alma

    Soc. The other class of pleasures, which as we were saying is purely mental, is entirely derived from memory. Pro. What do you mean ? Soc. I must first of all analyse memory, or rather perception which is prior to, memory, if the subject of our discussion is ever to be properly cleared up. Pro.…

  • Jowett: Philebus 31b-59d — Formas diversas e condições concretas do Prazer e da Sabedoria

    Soc. We must next examine what is their place and under what conditions they are generated. And we will begin with pleasure, since her class was first examined ; and yet pleasure cannot be rightly tested apart from pain ever Pro. If this is the road, let us take it. Soc. I wonder whether you…

  • Jowett: Philebus 27c-31b — O esclarecimento aos gêneros do Ser aplicado ao problema

    Soc. And now what is the next question, and how came we hither ? Were we not enquiring whether the second place belonged to pleasure or wisdom ? Pro. We were. Soc. And now, having determined these points, shall we not be better able to decide about the first and second place, which was the…

  • Jowett: Philebus 23a-27c — Os cinco gêneros do Ser

    Soc. Well, but had we not better leave her now, and not pain her by applying the crucial test, and finally detecting her ? Pro. Nonsense, Socrates. Soc. Why ? because I said that we had better not pain pleasure, which is an impossibility ? Pro. Yes, and more than that, because you do not…

  • Jowett: Philebus 20a-27c — Retorno ao problema original

    Soc. If you say that, I have nothing to apprehend, for the words “if you are willing” dispel all my fear ; and, moreover, a god seems to have recalled something to my mind. Phi. What is that ? Soc. I remember to have heard long ago certain discussions about pleasure and wisdom, whether awake…

  • Jowett: Philebus 18d-20a — O um e o múltiplo

    Phi. The illustration, Protarchus, has assisted me in understanding the original statement, but I still feel the defect of which I just now complained. Soc. Are you going to ask, Philebus, what this has to do with the argument ? Phi. Yes, that is a question which Protarchus and I have been long asking. Soc.…

  • Jowett: Philebus 17a-18d — Exemplos concretos

    Pro. I think that I partly understand you Socrates, but I should like to have a clearer notion of what you are saying. Soc. I may illustrate my meaning by the letters of the alphabet, Protarchus, which you were made to learn as a child. Pro. How do they afford an illustration ? Soc. The…

  • Jowett: Philebus 15c-17a — Dialética

    Pro. Then, Socrates, let us begin by clearing up these questions. Soc. That is what I should wish. Pro. And I am sure that all my other friends will be glad to hear them discussed ; Philebus, fortunately for us, is not disposed to move, and we had better not stir him up with questions.…

  • Filebo 15c-16b — Concepção viciosa da discussão dialética

    Protarco – Então, Sócrates, trabalhemos desde já na solução desse problema. Sócrates – É também o que eu penso. Protarco – Podes ficar certo de que todos os presentes compartilham tua maneira de pensar. Quanto ao nosso Filebo, é melhor não mexer com quem dorme sossegado. VI – Sócrates – Ora bem! E como iniciaremos…