Tag: hen
Guthrie: Tratado 27 (IV, 3, 8) — Sympathy between individual and universal soul comes from common source.
in Enéada-IV-3SYMPATHY BETWEEN INDIVIDUAL AND UNIVERSAL SOUL COMES FROM COMMON SOURCE. 8. The sympathy existing between souls forms no objection. For this sympathy might be explained by the fact that all souls are derived from the same principle from which the universal Soul also is derived. We have already shown that there is one Soul (the…
Guthrie: Tratado 27 (IV, 3, 7) — Difference between individual and universal souls.
in Enéada-IV-3DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INDIVIDUAL AND UNIVERSAL SOULS. 7. That is what seems true to us. As to the Philebus passage (quoted in the first section), it might mean that all souls were parts of the universal Soul. That, however, is not its true meaning, as held by some. It only means what Plato desired to assert…
Guthrie: Tratado 27 (IV, 3, 6) — Why should creation be predicated of the universal soul and not of the human?
in Enéada-IV-3WHY SHOULD CREATION BE PREDICATED OF THE UNIVERSAL SOUL AND NOT OF THE HUMAN? 6. If there be similarity between the universal Soul and the individual souls, how does it happen that the former created the world, while the others did not do so, though each of them also contain all things within herself, and…
Guthrie: Tratado 27 (IV, 3, 5) — Souls retain both their unity and differences on different levels.
in Enéada-IV-3SOULS RETAIN BOTH THEIR UNITY AND DIFFERENCES ON DIFFERENT LEVELS. 5. How could the universal Soul simultaneously be the soul of yourself and of other persons? Might she be the soul of one person by her lower strata, and that of somebody else by her higher strata? To teach such a doctrine would be equivalent…
Guthrie: Tratado 27 (IV, 3, 4) — Intellectual difficulty of the soul being one and yet in all beings.
in Enéada-IV-3INTELLECTUAL DIFFICULTY OF THE SOUL BEING ONE AND YET IN ALL BEINGS. 4. If the universal Soul be one in this manner, what about consequences of this (conception)? Might we not well doubt the possibility of the universal Soul’s simultaneously being one, yet present in all beings? How does it happen that some souls are…
MacKenna: Uno
The First Hypostasis of the Supreme Divine Triad is variously named: often it is simply ‘THE FIRST’. Envisaged logically, or dialectically, it is THE ONE. Morally seen, it is THE GOOD; in various other uses or aspects it is THE SIMPLE, THE ABSOLUTE, THE TRANSCENDENCE, THE INFINITE, THE UNCONDITIONED; it is sometimes THE FATHER. It…
A união mística com o Uno
A culminância da dialética plotiniana é a união mística com o Uno, numa contemplação extática, segundo foi exposto, com maior profundidade, no capítulo anterior. Hénosis é a palavra grega para designar essa união. No caminho da “conversão”, que caracteriza o itinerário da “inteligência espiritual” no homem, Plotino aponta para além da intelecção, para a pura…
One-absolute (Um-absoluto)
in Enéada-V-3The One, as transcending Intellect, transcends knowing: above all need, it is above the need of the knowing which pertains solely to the Secondary Nature. Knowing is a unitary thing, but defined: the first is One, but undefined: a defined One would not be the One-absolute: the absolute is prior to the definite. V Third…
One-All (Universo)
in Enéada-IV-4This One-All, therefore, is a sympathetic total and stands as one living being; the far is near; it happens as in one animal with its separate parts: talon, horn, finger, and any other member are not continuous and yet are effectively near; intermediate parts feel nothing, but at a distant point the local experience is…
in Enéada-V-3In virtue of the unity manifested in its variety it exhibits, side by side, both an all-embracing identity and the existence of the secondary: all the variety lies in the midst of a sameness, and identity cannot be separated from diversity since all stands as one; each item in that content, by the fact of…
in Enéada-III-8Pode-se dizer que este Princípio engendrador é o Uno-e-Tudo. (We may be told that this engendering Principle is the One-and-All) III Eighth 9
Plotino: uno-e-múltiplo
Ao Uno não se lhe nega a perfeição encontrada nos outros seres. Se estes existem, é por ser o Uno o princípio1 deles. Por conseguinte, necessariamente lhes é superior. A existência deles dá-se por participação (Cf. En. V, 5, 4), ou seja, foram feitos. Tendo sido feitos, eles não se identificam com quem os fez2.…
One-First (Primeiro)
in Enéada-V-4Our One-First is not a body: a body is not simplex and, as a thing of process cannot be a First, the Source cannot be a thing of generation: only a principle outside of body, and utterly untouched by multiplicity, could be The First. V Fourth 1
O Uno
Uno, Absoluto, Deus1 ou Bem sinonimizam nas Enéadas de Plotino2. Respigaremos, para este texto, alguns passos da obra do licopolitano, a fim de apresentar, de modo sucinto, o perfil do Uno-Deus. Guiar-nos-emos pelas palavras de Plotino e por abalizados comentaristas. Faria uma ideia errônea do Princípio Primeiro – o Uno – quem pensasse ser ele…
A absoluta transcendência do Uno
VI. 8. 11 (The absolute transcendence of the One as unconditioned, unlimited, Principle of all things: particular necessity of eliminating all spatial ideas from our thought about Him.) But what is This which does not exist ? We must go away silent, involved by our thought in utter perplexity, and seek no further: for what…
Retorno à unidade
El retorno a la unidad (epistrophe) — a) El fin de la Dialéctica de Plotino es el retorno a la unidad, que se realiza, sobre todo, a través del hombre. El alma del hombre es el centro de todo el proceso descendente y ascendente. El alma, unida al cuerpo material, se halla en un estado…
Morente: Platão: o ser e a unidade.
Excertos de “Manuel García Morente, Fundamentos de Filosofia” Quem percebeu bem os méritos extraordinários de Parmênides e no mesmo tempo o seu ponto fraco, foi Platão. Sabemos que Platão o Aristóteles representam os dois cumes do pensamento grego. Platão deve uma enorme parte de sua filosofia a Parmênides. Deve também outra parte de sua filosofia…
Ullmann: Natureza do Uno
(Excertos de “Plotino, um estudo das Enéadas”, de R. A. Ullmann O Uno é o Princípio soberano de tudo, também das hipóstases, isto é, do Noûs e da Alma do mundo. A palavra hipóstase, aplicada ao Uno, faz-nos entender que aquilo que está além do ser é mais do que ser simplesmente: é o Supra-Ser,…
Fraile: Uno
El Uno.—Más allá de todo ser, de toda esencia, de toda limitación y de toda determinación está el Uno (tò hen), que es el ser por excelencia y la fuente suprema de donde proceden todos los demás seres. Plotino subraya vigorosamente su trascendencia. No sólo es distinto de todas las demás cosas, sino que está…
Proclus: l’unité
in ProcloIl faut élever cette fine pointe de l’âme, selon laquelle nous sommes unité. Nous participons au Premier, duquel dérive pour toutes choses l’unification, selon l’unité et pour ainsi dire la fleur de notre essence, grâce à laquelle nous nous attachons principalement au Divin. Partout, en effet, ‘c’est par le semblable qu’est appréhendé le semblable’, les…