Categoria: Enéada-VI-6
MacKenna: Tratado 34,12 (VI,6,12) — Não há unidade em si, somente unidades particulares
Resumo em português 12. We may be told that unity and monad have no real existence, that the only unity is some definite object that is one thing, so that all comes to an attitude of the mind towards things considered singly. But, to begin with, why at this should not the affirmation of Being…
Enéada VI, 6, 15 — Números numerados e números numerantes
15. De nuevo convendrá volver al punto de partida y afirmar que el ser universal, el ser verdadero, es no sólo ser sino inteligencia y vida perfectas. Reúne en sí todos los seres y toda vida, y esa unidad de vida que es nuestro universo le imita de la manera que le es posible. Porque…
(I) Il y a deux principes pensants. Celui qui occupe le premier rang est l’Intelligence, parce qu’elle se pense elle-même. Celui qui occupe le second est l’me parce que, pensant un autre objet qu’elle-même, elle approche moins de l’identité du sujet pensant et de l’objet pensé. Quand l’Intelligence pense, elle passe de l’unité à la…
MacKenna: Tratado 34,11 (VI,6,11) — A década em si não é senão um conjunto de unidades
Resumo em português 11. It may be suggested that the decad is nothing more than so many henads; admitting the one henad why should we reject the ten? As the one is a real existence why not the rest? We are certainly not compelled to attach that one henad to some one thing and so…
Enéada VI, 6, 14 — A comparação do um com um relativo é injustificada
14. En cuanto a lo que se ha dicho de la unidad con referencia a lo relativo, deberá afirmarse con buenas razones que la unidad no es uno de esos relativos que pierda su ser si su correlativo sufre, o si ambos no sufren. Conviene, por el contrario, si el objeto ha de salir de…
Guthrie: Tratado 34 (VI, 6) – Of Numbers.
SIXTH ENNEAD, BOOK SIX. Of Numbers. MANIFOLDNESS IS DISTANCE FROM UNITY AND EVIL. 1. Does manifoldness consist in distance from unity? Is infinity this distance carried to the extreme, because it is an innumerable manifoldness? Is then infinity an evil, and are we ourselves evil when we are manifold? (That is probable); or every being…
MacKenna: Tratado 34,10 (VI,6,10) — O número matemático, imagem do inteligível
Resumo em português 10. When it takes lot with multiplicity, Being becomes Number by the fact of awakening to manifoldness; – before, it was a preparation, so to speak, of the Beings, their fore-promise, a total of henads offering a stay for what was to be based upon them. Here with us a man will…
Enéada VI, 6, 13 — Há graus no um
13. ¿Cómo admitir, por ejemplo, que el pensamiento de la unidad del sujeto tiene su origen en el sujeto, en la percepción del hombre, en un ser vivo cualquiera o incluso en una piedra? ¿Podríamos considerarlo razonable cuando uno es el ser que se parece y otra y muy distinta su propia unidad? Porque de…
Guthrie: Tratado 34 (VI, 6, 4-16) – Of Numbers.
HOW OTHER NUMBERS FORM PART OF THE INTELLIGIBLE WORLD. 4. Let us now examine how the numbers form part of the intelligible world. Are they inherent in the other forms? Or are they, since all eternity, the consequences of the existence of these forms? In the latter case, as the very essence possessed primary existence,…
MacKenna: Tratado 34,9 (VI,6,9) — O número está ao mesmo tempo no Ser e antes dele
Versão em espanhol 9. It remains then to consider whether Being by its distinction produced Number or Number produced that distinction. It is certain that either Number was the cause of Being, movement, rest, identity and difference, or these the cause of Number. The first question is whether Number can exist in and of itself…