Tag: hen
Damiani: O Uno
Buscando por meio destas passagens um vislumbre da natureza incompreensível do Uno, o intelecto deve ser como um pássaro que voando através do ar não deixa traços: a operação do intelecto deve se dissolver na quietude dentro da qual avança. Devemos pensar intensamente no que é a natureza do Uno, e então há um ponto…
One-All (Universo)
This One-All, therefore, is a sympathetic total and stands as one living being; the far is near; it happens as in one animal with its separate parts: talon, horn, finger, and any other member are not continuous and yet are effectively near; intermediate parts feel nothing, but at a distant point the local experience is…
Taylor: Tratado 10,7 (V, 1, 7) — O Intelecto é uma imagem divisível do Uno indivisível?
VII. But we say that intellect is the image of this most excellent nature. For it is necessary to speak more clearly. In the first place, indeed, it is necessary that intellect should in a certain respect be generated, and preserve [in itself] much of its generator; and also that it should have such a…
In virtue of the unity manifested in its variety it exhibits, side by side, both an all-embracing identity and the existence of the secondary: all the variety lies in the midst of a sameness, and identity cannot be separated from diversity since all stands as one; each item in that content, by the fact of…
Taylor: Tratado 10,6 (V, 1, 6) — Como o Intelecto foi engendrado pelo Uno?
VI. How, therefore, does intelligence see; what does it see; and, in short, how does it subsist ; and how is it generated from the one, so that it may see ? For now indeed the soul perceives the necessity of the existence of these things. It desires, however, to understand this which is so…
Pode-se dizer que este Princípio engendrador é o Uno-e-Tudo. (We may be told that this engendering Principle is the One-and-All) III Eighth 9
Taylor: Tratado 10,5 (V, 1, 5) — Quem engendrou o Intelecto e as realidades inteligíveis?
V. This exuberant Grod, therefore, exists in the soul which is here, being conjoined to him by things of this kind, unless it wishes to depart from him. Approaching therefore to, and as it were becoming one with him, it enquires as follows : Who is he that, being simple and prior to a multitude…
Plotino: uno-e-múltiplo
Ao Uno não se lhe nega a perfeição encontrada nos outros seres. Se estes existem, é por ser o Uno o princípio1 deles. Por conseguinte, necessariamente lhes é superior. A existência deles dá-se por participação (Cf. En. V, 5, 4), ou seja, foram feitos. Tendo sido feitos, eles não se identificam com quem os fez2.…
Guthrie: Tratado 10,7 (V, 1, 7) — O Intelecto é uma imagem divisível do Uno indivisível?
INTELLIGIBLE REST IS THE DETERMINATION AND FORM BY WHICH THEY SUBSIST. 7. We call Intelligence the image of the One. Let us explain this. It is His image because Intelligence is, in a certain respect, begotten by Unity, because Intelligence possesses much of the nature of its father, and because Intelligence resembles Him as light…
One-First (Primeiro)
Our One-First is not a body: a body is not simplex and, as a thing of process cannot be a First, the Source cannot be a thing of generation: only a principle outside of body, and utterly untouched by multiplicity, could be The First. V Fourth 1