Tag: hypostasis
Porfírio (Commentários Tratado 49) – Of the Hypostases that Mediate Knowledge, and of the Superior Principle.
in PorfírioINTELLIGENCE KNOWS ITSELF BY A CONVERSION TO HERSELF. VIDE Eneada-V-III 31. (1) When one being subsists by dependence on any other, and not by self-dependence and withdrawal from any other, it could not turn itself towards itself to know itself by separating from (the substrate) by which it subsists. By withdrawing from its own existence…
Deck (1991:135-137) – Noûs e psyche
Positively, it can be shown that, granted the outlines of Plotinus’ view of the world, there must be intermediaries between the Noûs and the sensible world. And vet it must be admitted that, as our insight into the nature of soul progressively deepens, there seems to be a danger that soul, in the real order,…
Tradução em espanhol de Jesús Igal En el orden cronológico de las obras de Plotino establecido por Porfirio, el tratado presente ocupa el número diez, después del gran tratado sobre el Uno. Tenemos aquí una clara muestra de cómo Plotino une firmemente el pensamiento metafísico y la vida espiritual personal. Como muy bien indica su…
Enéada V, 1 – Sobre as três hipóstases que têm nível de princípios
in Enéada-V-1Plotin Traités 7-21. Dir. Trad. Luc Brisson e Jean-François Pradeau. GF-Flammarion, 2003. Plano detalhado do tratado. Capítulo 1: A alma deve se conhecer a si mesma para reencontrar “o deus que é seu pai” 1-3. Porque a alma esqueceu sua origem e sua fonte divinas? 3-22. Em virtude de sua independência ontológica, a alma se…
three hypostases
V. 2. I (Armstrong selection and translation) (The One transcends being because it is its source. Noûs proceeds from the One, and Soul from Noûs, by a double movement of outgoing and return in contemplation, the higher in each case remaining in itself, unaffected by the production of the lower. Soul in its turn produces…
Hipóstases (Ullmann)
Excertos de “Plotino, um estudo das Enéadas”, de R.A. Ullmann As três hipóstases ou realidades subsistentes1 – o Uno, o Noûs e a Alma do mundo – constituem o universo inteligível ou imaterial do licopolitano e representam um dos pontos pinaculares do pensamento filosófico de Plotino. De imediato, surge a pergunta: por que são exatamente…