Tag: mimesis

  • Montet (1990:8-9) – mimesis

    La fortune du concept de mimésis n’est plus à conter. Toutefois, son opération la plus spectaculaire consiste à signer ses traites du graphe de la dialectique. Comment faire des copies sans s’élever jusqu’au modèle ? Y a-t-il plus noble tâche pour la pensée que la distinction de l’icône et de l’idole ? Le combat où…

  • Platão (Rep. 604b-604e) – dois elementos no homem

    — Mas, quando há no homem impulsos contrários e simultâneos em relação ao mesmo objecto, dizemos que há necessariamente nele dois elementos. [467] — Pois não! — Ora um estará pronto a obedecer à lei, naquilo que ela lhe prescrever? — Como? — A lei diz que o que há de mais belo é conservar…

  • Jowett: REP X 603b-605c — O poeta imitador

    And is this confined to the sight only, or does it extend to the hearing also, relating in fact to what we term poetry ? Probably the same would be true of poetry. Do not rely, I said, on a probability derived from the analogy of painting ; but let us examine further and see…

  • Jowett: REP X 597e-601b — Imitar sem saber: o pintor e o poeta

    Good, I said ; then you call him who is third in the descent from nature an imitator ? Certainly, he said. And the tragic poet is an imitator, and, therefore, like all other imitators, he is thrice removed from the king and from the truth ? That appears to be so. Then about the…

  • Jowett: REP X 595a-608b — Problemas da poesia e da imitação

    Of the many excellences which I perceive in the order of our State, there is none which upon reflection pleases me better than the rule about poetry. To what do you refer ? To the rejection of imitative poetry, which certainly ought not to be received ; as I see far more clearly now that…

  • mimesis

    mímêsis: mímese, mímica, imitação, arte (i. e., bela arte; para as ciências aplicadas, ver techne) 1. A mimesis, em todos os seus cambiantes de significados, é de importância central em Platão. Lemos no Sofista 265b que as artes produtivas (poetikai technai; ver techne) são divididas em artes divinas e humanas (chamadas na Republica 597d-e pythourgia…