Tag: kosmos
Universo Vivo
IV. 4. 36 (Armstrong Selection and Translation from the Enneads) [The immense variety of the visible universe, which is a living whole made up of parts all of which have life in them, even if we do not perceive it.] The All is full of the richest variety; all logoi are present in it and…
Movimento do Universo
IV. 4. 33 (Armstrong Selection and Translation from the Enneads) [The great dance of the universe.] The movement of the universe is not casual, but goes according to the logos of its living organism; there must therefore be a harmony of action and experience, and an order which arranges things together, adapting them and bringing…
[…] The All-Soul is the mobile cause of movement as well as of Form: more directly than the two superior or ‘earlier’ Hypostases of the Divine-Triad it is the eternal cause of the existence, eternal existence, of the COSMOS, or ‘WORLD’, or material or sense-grasped Universe, which is the Soul’s Act and emanation, image and…
Tratado 40 (II, 1) – Sobre o mundo
Plotin Traités 38-41. Dir. Trad. Luc Brisson e Jean-François Pradeau. GF-Flammarion, 2007 O tratado 40 se interessa pela permanência do mundo e por aquela do céu. Tanto platônicos quanto peripatéticos estimam que o universo é imortal e que os astros o são eles também. Os estoicos, por seu lado, consideram que o universo tal qual…
kosmos (scil. aisthétós): ornamento, ordem, o universo visível, físico (ver kosmos noetos) 1. Há uma tradição (Aécio II, 1, 1 e D. L. viu, 48) de que o primeiro a descrever o universo como um kosmos foi Pitágoras; mas a noção de universo como uma ordem surge nos fragmentos dos seus antecessores (Anaximandro, Diels, frg.…
Mundo do Tempo e da Mudança
V. I. 4 (Armstrong Selection and Translation from the Enneads) [The world of Noûs contrasted with the world of time and change here below; its eternal perfection and self-sufficiency; its unity-in-diversity of thought and object of thought; the Categories of the world of Noûs.] One might come to see it also in the following way.…
For the Intellectual-Principle is the earliest form of Life: it is the Activity presiding over the outflowing of the universal Order – the outflow, that is, of the first moment, not that of the continuous process. Enneads: III VIII.9 But the life in the kosmos, the life which carries the leading principle of the universe,…