Tag: kosmos

  • Vieillard-Baron (1988:39-41) – o microcosmo e sua imagem

    La correspondance entre microcosme et macrocosme implique une notion déterminée de Dieu et de l’esprit. Il faut donc poser maintenant la question suivante : quelle est la nature de la connaissance humaine pour que le monde soit le reflet de l’homme ? A cette question, Cudworth répond en écartant d’abord l’empirisme. Il y a en…

  • Vieillard-Baron (1988:34-39) – macrocosmo

    Dans sa Défense de la Kabbale, Henry More nous dit que ” Rien n’est plus rebattu et ordinaire que de comparer l’homme à l’Univers, et d’en faire un petit monde, un monde en résumé Ceci ne signifie pas qu’une telle comparaison ait nécessairement une valeur philosophique réelle. Bien au contraire, il fait se méfier des…

  • Vieillard-Baron (1988:32-34) – mundo, espelho sem reflexo

    Si le monde est le miroir de l’homme, si le macrocosme est le reflet du microcosme, une juste compréhension de l’homme est impliquée dans une juste théorie du monde. Du point de vue ontologique, la réflexion du microcosme dans l’univers qui est son miroir manifeste chez More et Cudworth la prééminence de l’homme sur le…

  • Universo Vivo

    IV. 4. 36 (Armstrong Selection and Translation from the Enneads) [The immense variety of the visible universe, which is a living whole made up of parts all of which have life in them, even if we do not perceive it.] The All is full of the richest variety; all logoi are present in it and…

  • Movimento do Universo

    IV. 4. 33 (Armstrong Selection and Translation from the Enneads) [The great dance of the universe.] The movement of the universe is not casual, but goes according to the logos of its living organism; there must therefore be a harmony of action and experience, and an order which arranges things together, adapting them and bringing…

  • Cosmos

    […] The All-Soul is the mobile cause of movement as well as of Form: more directly than the two superior or ‘earlier’ Hypostases of the Divine-Triad it is the eternal cause of the existence, eternal existence, of the COSMOS, or ‘WORLD’, or material or sense-grasped Universe, which is the Soul’s Act and emanation, image and…

  • Tratado 40 (II, 1) – Sobre o mundo

    Plotin Traités 38-41. Dir. Trad. Luc Brisson e Jean-François Pradeau. GF-Flammarion, 2007 O tratado 40 se interessa pela permanência do mundo e por aquela do céu. Tanto platônicos quanto peripatéticos estimam que o universo é imortal e que os astros o são eles também. Os estoicos, por seu lado, consideram que o universo tal qual…

  • kosmos

    kosmos (scil. aisthétós): ornamento, ordem, o universo visível, físico (ver kosmos noetos) 1. Há uma tradição (Aécio II, 1, 1 e D. L. viu, 48) de que o primeiro a descrever o universo como um kosmos foi Pitágoras; mas a noção de universo como uma ordem surge nos fragmentos dos seus antecessores (Anaximandro, Diels, frg.…

  • Mundo do Tempo e da Mudança

    V. I. 4 (Armstrong Selection and Translation from the Enneads) [The world of Noûs contrasted with the world of time and change here below; its eternal perfection and self-sufficiency; its unity-in-diversity of thought and object of thought; the Categories of the world of Noûs.] One might come to see it also in the following way.…

  • Ordem

    For the Intellectual-Principle is the earliest form of Life: it is the Activity presiding over the outflowing of the universal Order – the outflow, that is, of the first moment, not that of the continuous process. Enneads: III VIII.9 But the life in the kosmos, the life which carries the leading principle of the universe,…