Tag: kalon
Beau (kalos / καλός) * Le beau est probablement la notion platonicienne dont le champ d’extension est le plus vaste ; il existe de beaux discours, de beaux objets, de beaux corps, de belles pensées et de belles actions. Cette diversité d’usage tient au fait que le beau, objet de cette passion qu’on nomme amour…
No diálogo HÍPIAS O MAIOR, Platão formulou muitas das questões que depois se levantaram, em estética e filosofia geral, acerca da natureza do belo e da beleza. Ao contrário de Hípias, para o qual o belo é, em suma, o nome comum dado a todas as coisas belas (o ouro, o útil, o grato, etc),…
Beleza e Uno
VI. 7. 33 (Armstrong Selection and Translation) [The pursuit of beauty leads the soul eventually beyond form, shape, and proportion to the Formless Source of form, the One or Good.] The Primary, the First, is without form; beauty There is the nature of good in Noûs. The experience of lovers is evidence of this; as…
O artesão imita a beleza do mundo da Inteligência
V. 8. 1 (Armstrong Selection and Translation) [The artist imitates the beauty of the world of Noûs, to which he has access directly, and not necessarily through the medium of nature.] Since we maintain that the man who has attained to contemplation of the beauty of the world of Noûs, and understood the beauty of…
A beleza enquanto ação de Formas
I. 6. 2 (Armstrong Selection and Translation) [Beauty in material things is the result of the action on them of Form and logos, which unifies, and so makes beautiful, things of diverse parts and informs natural unities as a whole.] We maintain that the things in this world are beautiful by participating in Form; for…
Visão da Beleza na beleza
II. 9. 16 (Armstrong Selection and Translation) [To despise the visible universe and to be insensitive to its beauty is proof that one has no real knowledge of the intelligible universe, the realm of Noûs.] No intelligent man would even inquire about this [about whether the visible universe is good, intelligent, and providentially directed], but…
Noûs e Bem: Beleza das Formas
VI. 7. 22 (Armstrong Selection and Translation from the Enneads) [The beauty of the Forms in Noûs cannot move the soul to love by itself; it must be illumined, coloured, wakened to life by the Good] When anyone sees this light [from the Good], then he is really moved to the Forms and longs for…
Excertos do estudo preliminar de Rocío de la Villa Ardura a sua tradução do Comentário ao Banquete de Platão, de Ficino La primera pregunta de carácter general que se plantea con el De amore es si nos encontramos ante el comentario de un traductor aventajado o ante la obra de un pensador original. Baste afirmar…
kalón (tó) : beleza. Neutro substantivado de kalos: belo. Platão pede ao filósofo que se eleve até a Beleza em si (auto tò kalón) (Rep.,V, 476b); é Eros que nos conduz a ela (Banquete, 206e, 210a-212c). Plotino redigiu um tratado Da beleza (I,VI), no qual trata sucessivamente da beleza dos corpos, da Beleza das almas…
Guthrie: Tratado 1 (I, 6) — Da Beleza
FIRST ENNEAD, BOOK SIXTH. Of Beauty. Retirado de Complete works, in chronological order, grouped in four periods; with biography by Porphyry, Eunapius, & Suidas, commentary by Porphyry, illustrations by Jamblichus & Ammonius, studies in sources, development, influence, index of subjects, thoughts and words [translated by] Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie (Volume 1)